

Friday, January 31, 2014

Transfer Week!

January 27, 2014
I'm getting transferred too........ the same area, I'm staying here for another transfer.  It's good though.  Things are starting to pick up. We found a few new potential investigators. One is Adolfo, but we might have to give him to the Spanish Elders.  Then Erica and her mom.  Then I think her name is Tara, we can't remember for sure, but they seem pretty interested!  So hopefully that all goes well!
 Sounds like you are all doing well!  The Temple Open House sounds pretty cool!  And the celebration, I wish I could see that!
 The guys are gonna have like 4 tracks buy the time I get home!  They look pretty good though!  Sounds like everyone is having fun.  Jed looks huge now!  Kyle sent me a video of him riding the track and he has my jacket on and looks like he is filling it out pretty good.
 I bought a scale a few weeks ago. I thought i was 202 cause thats what the members scale said but mine said 205 but im down to 203 now so hopefully I can come home at like 185. So hopefully I'm in a walking area for most of my mission!
Can you make sure to send Jed's matches when ever he has them?
Oh I also think I figured out what I want to go to school for - finally!  We were at dinner with this family and I asked him what he went to school for.  And he went for Construction Management, he told me all the things you can do with that degree.  So I can still be partners with Dad, if that is still an option, but then I have an education to fall back on as well. So it will still keep me in the construction business!
 Yes, I'm starting to sleep better.  Except you told me to late about the melatonin I took it for 5 days then I saw you email, so I skipped a day then took it the next 2 days then that 2nd night i might have slept 2 hours, that sucked.  But I slept good tonight, so thats good!  (He was having a hard time sleeping at his new place and asked for Melatonin.  I sent it but forgot to tell him not to take it every day because it builds up in your system and then you don't sleep at ALL!  I learned that the hard way with Maddie - I woke up to a DESTROYED house a few  times and quickly did some research! - haha!)
 Well thanks for all your support and love!
Of course, the Mission is hard, but it is good also, my testimony has grown a lot and learn new things all the time!  I'm so glad I chose to come and to stay out!  Love you all!!

Elder Bubba Nelson

Birthday Week!

January 20. 2014
This week was still pretty slow but we found some potential investigators, so hopefully we can start teaching them.  2 more investigators dropped us but they weren't progressing so I guess it's for the better, now we can find more people to focus on!  I had a pretty good birthday, we had a district meeting then went to Costa Vida for lunch, then my zone leaders took me out to frozen yogurt! It was pretty bomb!  Then we went to the Wolfgramm's for dinner, the family that sent you the pictures.  He showed me videos of him doing Tuff Mudder and he's done 3 of them, they are crazy. Me, Dad, Kyle, T, and Jed are gonna do it when I get home!  Then we were in Primary this week and some how they found out it was my birthday, so they made me put on the birthday glasses and sung to me.  (I'm sure Bubs was RED - he doesn't like attention drawn to him! - haha)  But the Bishops wife is in charge of singing time, so she wore the glasses with me, so it wasn't as bad!
   Sounds like things are pretty hectic still, hopefully they slow down!  So Chaylee is planning on moving to Utah? I
  I don't know if I would have gone to that YSA thing either, Elder Holland is scary,  he always yells at us in conference.  I can't imagine what he said to the YSA hahaha.
  Is Kyle still gonna do Pilot School or what? 
You should have told me you were sending another package, I could have given you my actual address, so it didn't go through so many people.  But oh well I'm sure it will get to me!

 Thank you for the Birthday wishes and presents!  Its been a rough month but things are starting to get better! T hanks again for all you do, love you all!
Elder Bubba Nelson
P.S. My Mission president called me Bubba in front of the whole zone, then he caught him self and corrected it to, Elder Nelson haha.   And I figured out who Cheryl Ellsworths relative is, it's Sister Halverson.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happy Birthday!

January 13, 2013

I'm Legal!!!   (tomorrow)
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes!  Sounds like you guys are having a party today!
Well I don't have to much to report on.  My comp has been sick with the Flu so it has been a pretty slow week!  Tuesday we had a follow up visit with Twilla.  On our way to our house this guy stopped us in the street and we talked to him.  He had a lot of questions!  His name is T, he kept asking about the Book of Mormon.  He kept saying it was hard to believe, with out seeing the Gold Plates.  So we just bore our testimony to him and he just said I know you guys are "fo Real", you are looking me in the eye and I know you guys believe it.  So we offered him a Book of Mormon but he just wanted  a mormon.org card.  So we gave him one and told him he can request missionaries and a copy of the Book of Mormon.  He was just passing through here he was on tour with Disney, doing a hip hop dance thing.  So we missed our appointment with Twilla but our Ward Mission leader still went with out us and she dropped us.  So I'm glad we got to talk with T instead of her,  haha, jk.
Dang Jed you did good in your match!  Congratulations!  Was that varsity?  (Yes, and Kyle gave Jed a little pep talk the morning before the match.  It seemed to work well!  haha!)
Well I hope you all have a good week!  Happy Birthday Chaylee!
Love you and miss you all!
Elder Bubba Nelson

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

December 30, 2013

It was good to see all you guys as well!  I just wanna Skype again now though, ha.  (Me either!  Can't wait for Mother's Day!)  Well hopefully that card with my testimony was a good enough Christmas present then!  (It was!)

(Here is his Testimony - on the Atonement..."I know through the Atonement we can return to our Father in Heaven.  If we accept Christ & believe Him not just believe IN Him. He will make us perfect through Himself.  His infinite perfection makes up for our finite sins.")  LOVE IT!!!

They are having the Open House for the Temple for 2 months right? Did you guys go for family night last night?  (Open House is Jan 18th-Feb 15th)  Yes, its been an awesome experience to be a part of building the Gilbert Temple in some way!  I was just thinking of that rock that I put in the foundation yesterday actually.  My comp. asked me how I got on my mission and I told him the story.  (When they had the groundbreaking for the Temple, our Stake gave all the youth, Primary and YM & YW the opportunity to write something on a stone and put it in the foundation of the Temple.  Bubba wrote on his That he'd have a desire to serve a Mission.  His desire and prayer was answered! - Jed, Ellie and Chaylee had the same opportunity.  Jed and Ellie also have had the opportunity, along with hundreds of other youth, to write their own Title of Liberty and will carry it as part of the Cultural Celebration, before the dedication of the Temple.  Such rare opportunities for our kids!)
and no Sister Olson he doesnt think you are a freak haha.

You guys aren't gonna do anything for New Year's Eve?   Go blow stuff up at least!  (Oh, Bubs!!)

Why didn't Jed work for Dad during the break?

Dang I had $150 in my room lying around??  Thats pretty sweet!  Thank you for the money? (He's in a biking area now and needed a bike!)  I'm a little better at saving $$ out here.  I spend a little here and there and then IDK where it goes - ha!  I forgot to show Maddie that she is on the back of my planner.  Out of the 2 planners that I put pictures on she is always on it and will be on all of them!  So, I might need more pics of her sometime in my Mission!

 Thanks for all the Christmas gifts!  Hope you guys had an awesome week!

Love and miss you all!
Elder Bubba Nelson 

P.S. We finally found a new Investigator her name is Mary and we are going back to visit her Thursday!  Also, we ran into the "nicest anti-mormon" so he says he is, last night! They were arguing with us about grace and how the Book of Mormon says we are saved by grace after all we can do.  And they were saying we are all automatically saved!  I guess he also offers Missionaries $20,000 dollars to give up there garments and to go home.  He didn't offer that to us though.  I guess he is pretty famous in this mission - ha!